I believe word creates. I believe we freely choose what we aim to create. I believe that we are at our best when our being is filled with love, beauty, goodness, truth, with the mysterious and the Divine




I started writing 40 years ago and have not stopped, nor would I want to. Creating through writing ...




I believe that a person of moral courage can form a majority, that wisdom is more important than ...




Integral education through transformation, whereby the human being is educated in a new way based ...

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The English version of my award-winning book will be released during autumn 2022.  

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I was born on 1st May 1974 in Moinești or Dada City, after the name of Tristan Tzara - the founder of Dadaism, born in the same city in 1896. Moinești comes from the word moină, which means "a piece of land prepped for seeding" or "light rainy weather" in Romanian language. This area of Romania has a rich heritage of writers such as novelist Mihail Sadoveanu, Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu, poet Vasile Alecsandri and Ion Creangă a beloved writer of the 19th century. Moinești once had a large Jewish community and such the bucolic city was also known as Mojnescht. My father, a Transylvanian born university Lecturer and my mother, Moldavian artist and interior designer, moved from the respective regions of the country to the capital, Bucharest where my sister and I grew up.


Mystic Poet is not fully suitable, Irina Childs writes transcendental poetry. She writes poetry infused by philosophy, mysticism and is able effortlessly to show God in nature like neoplatonists. She is an atypical poet that writes poems of great finesse.

Virgil Borcan
University professor, writer and literary critic

The author is lucky because her direction is clearly oriented towards the union with the worlds above us. She is convinced that the creator is the one who encompasses and offers her everything she needs and gives her everything, which is a perpetual search for her existence beyond human pursuits and makes Irina Childs' poetry to have the appropriate peak.

Adrian Munteanu
Writer, theatre actor, director, screenwriter and literary critic

Irina Childs writes a poetry of ecstasy that takes your thinking to the theological apophatism.

Laurentiu Ciprian
Tudor, poet & essayist

Irina Childs is a writer that has a superb degree of perception. She writes a poetry of profound courage in a deep theological sense.

Gabriel Stan
Writer, painter, artist